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Happy New Year!


A very happy New Year to all. May this year bring lots of joy and happiness in your life. We all have suffered a lot in this year and most of us are still suffering. I pray and wish that this New Year brings new hopes and positivity in all of our lives. I pray and wish that you all gain success in your respective fields. Along with that, most importantly I pray and wish that you come closer and closer to your TRUTH. This year gave us an opportunity to reflect on ourselves and the true nature of the self. Many who always wanted to do Sadhna but weren’t able to do so due to paucity in time, got the opportunity to give a certain amount of time to that. I pray and wish that all those of you who have either enhanced or started their journey on the road of self-realisation continue walking on the same.

I pray that all of you gain enough inner strength to face the challenges yet to come. Though the darkest of days are over the problem of this virus still exist. We all need to be careful in all our actions. The coming days might be difficult but for those who are ever one with one’s true self, no challenge will be too big. My wish for all of you is that you continue on the path of our beloved Guru. Follow his word as ‘Aagya’. He has given us everything in form of the ‘Diksha’. Remember him, do Mantra Jap and let the Parashakti take care of you in all ways possible. You need not wander here and there in search of the answers you might be looking for. Trust on your master and surrender to his will. This is my wish that all of your lives remain filled with utmost blessings of Parashakti.

You must have SAHAS in all your dealings in this New Year, for SAHAS is the source of stability and stability is the source of ‘Gyan’ (Knowledge). You can understand SAHAS in many ways. I will try to explain what I mean with this term over here.

Sanskara and Sankalp- First you need to understand your Sanskara. It is a complex yet very simple concept. In simple terms, Sanskara determines and tells you what you are supposed to do. It determines and dictates our inner conscience. Many a times we feel that our Aatma is telling us to either do or don’t do something. We must learn to understand and follow that. Sankalp is the core of our existence. Sankalp gives you the inner strength to achieve your goals. All you need to do is to remain truthful towards your Sankalp.

Atmiyata- Atmiyata means the feeling of oneness with every being and thing in this world. The moment we learn and understand that we all are one and the same, the ‘Karuna’ takes birth. Karuna is the source of great inner-strength and determines the way we are going to move ahead.

Honesty- We must be honest with ourselves. The ones who are honest to themselves and are capable of confronting themselves achieve great success in their lives. You also must be honest to the world. Being truthful is another very important source of our inner-strength.

Aatmanirbharta- Self-reliance or Aatmanirbharta is another very important aspect of the SAHAS we are talking about. Those who are self-reliant have nothing to blame others for. The attitude of blaming others for miseries in your life is one of the reasons blocking your energy and inner-strength. On the contrary, those who are able to take responsibility for their actions often find the required inner-strength to deal with the situations.

Samarpan- The most important aspect of SAHAS is Samarpan or surrender. You must completely surrender yourself to your Master and Parashakti. Those who have truly surrendered themselves to their master and Parashakti has nothing to be fearful of. Samarpan ensures the presence of SAHAS in your life.

Those who can understand their Sanskara, are true to their Sankalp, have accepted the world as it is, are honest, are Aatmanirbhar and have surrendered themselves to the Master and Parashakti will always be blessed with SAHAS in their life. With SAHAS they can deal with any challenges in their life.

I pray to Parashakti and our Guru that may this year brings SAHAS in your life.

My blessings unto all.

Shraddha Mata.



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