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Vairagya Meaning and its Significance: Shraddha Mata

Shraddha Mata and Chetna Mata
Shraddha Mata and Chetna Mata

In an American series named Madam Secretary, there is this one character named Russel Jackson. He happens to be an extremely hard-working person and highly ambitious. He is the Chief of Staff of White House. The chief of staff of White House is considered as one of the most powerful positions in the USA. In many aspects he is even more powerful than the senior members of the US cabinet. He is shown always to be immersed in his work and is always focused on achieving his daily goals, but he also suffers from the heart problem and along with it from lack of clarity in his life. There is a particular episode in which it is shown that he has to consult one of his friends about his problem and the friend suggests to do something relaxing and ask bigger questions in his life. He then finally suggests Russel to again take some time and make the toy model aeroplane from the kids set. He actually tries it and it helps him to relax and to finally think about the direction of his life.

Now what is the major theme over here in this case? First, the material success no matter how big and significant is the sure shot guarantee of mental peace. The individual needs to have some time for himself/herself. The individual needs to give his/her mind proper rest. He/she needs to have some time alone away from work where he/she can enjoy his/her own company. This is the time and moment in which he/she can regain his/her strength. In the spiritual world generally the word meditation is used. You might have heard many people suggesting you to meditate regularly in order to live a peaceful life. Many people who are neither religious nor spiritual don’t like this idea of meditation and reject it at the upfront. They tend to think that meditation is a process or a concept only good in stories and fairy tales and has to do very little in real life. Russel was one such kind of person. He often rejected any such practices and ridiculed them for being a time-taking and useless process. But isn’t the purpose of meditation is to stop and take some time for your own self?

In the end in order to sort issues he has to resort to a process as time taking as making toy aeroplanes. Now what doesn’t matter is the path taken but what matters is what actually he did. He actually finds something in which he can be detached from the world and his job and can for at least some portion of the day be with himself. In short he accepted that he has to be detached from the world as he happens to know and give some time to his own self in order to attain the mental peace he wants. 

My point being it does not matter whether you believe in God or not. It also does not matter whether you believe in meditation per se or not. What matters is that you are a human being full of potential. You can achieve many great things in life. In short you can lead a platonic ‘Good Life’. To live a good life, satisfaction is very necessary. Satisfaction comes from the fact that either you are achieving your goals or you are working to your full potential and in desired direction. This can happen only with the clarity in mind. Clarity of mind can only happen when you are at peace.

My master always says “Humko Aapko Teherna hoga, apne aap mai wapas lotna hoga”. This means that we need to be at peace within our self. We need to ensure that we are giving proper care to our mind. If that is stable we can achieve anything we want in life. If mind is unstable and/or it is not at peace then even great success in our life cannot bring us happiness. Meditation or something like what Russel did can bring us the daily clarity. But just imagine what if we can be in that situation of oneness all the time. If being in it for certain portion of day can give us stability and peace, what will happen if we train ourselves to be constantly in that state. That is possible in Vairagya or what we call spiritual or worldly detachment. 

Vairagya is the state in which we are completely immersed in oneself (not in a narcissist manner of course). In Vairagya since we are constantly in company of our true self we are detached from the world in spite of being very much in the world. Vairagya is not a process of leaving everything and becoming a sanyasi as majority of the people construe, on the contrary it is a state of immersing oneself completely with the company of one's own self which in turn helps an individual to achieve his/her complete potential. 

Vairagya is not a process which happens outside this world but a process which essentially takes place within the world. In Vairagya you can reach your best potential in whatever field you are interested in. You can become a very successful doctor, a very successful scientist etc. We also need to understand that in this world it is very much possible that a professional working in a company or may be on his own and having a family can be detached and a Sanyasi can be very much attached. It always depends on the person. It can be possible that a person who lives in luxury and is very rich is detached in his mind and it can happen that a middle class or a poor person is much attached. It can also happen that a rich person who has everything is not satisfied and wants more and more and on the contrary a middle class or a poor person is at mental peace and celebrates this gift we call life.

Appearances don’t matter. Vairagya is an internal process. If it happens with you, you will know it. You just have to let it happen with you. Don’t fear it. Vairagya is not leaving the society, family or the world, on the contrary it is a process which ensures that you do all your duties to the best of your potential without feeling obligated, burdened or drained by such a duty. You need to try being alone with yourself. You need to think that it should happen with you. When the time is right it will happen. Your efforts need to be constant yet effortless. In Vairagya I must repeat you can discover your true self, you can achieve peace, peace will lead to clarity in mind, clarity in mind will ensure your path, on ensured path you will be able to give your best efforts without any doubt and with your true efforts you will be able to achieve the success you aspire to achieve.

You will have to let it happen.

With blessings,

Shraddha Mata.


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