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Mataji on Covid19 and the learnings therein related to our life style

Our planet earth or as we call her Mother Earth is still suffering from this deadly virus Covid19. The entire world is trying to find a cure but till now we haven’t succeeded in creating a vaccine for the same. Last month I discussed as to how this pandemic has demolished the structures of civilized world and how the fact that the modern economies have to stop their functions has resulted into the healing of our Environment and how we need to discuss and deliberate on the issue of environmental conservation in a better way. 

Now again I am coming amidst you all in with some of the things we need to think about on our Individual level. Now that we are proceeding with Unlock nationwide, what all are the things that are to be kept in mind. This transition needs to be very smooth. Many have lost the source of livelihood, many business have suffered great losses, many people have lost their jobs, many students are suffering from depression and many families are suffering from internal conflicts. In such a stressful situation, we need to be extra careful. 

One very common reason is the level of negativity that is there around us due to Covid19. Most of us are still home bound and the news related to Covid19 and related deaths is flowing into our minds from all the sources, be it print media, digital media or social media. This is creating a lot of negativity in our minds and we are unable to focus and gather the positivity we require. Through the help of Meditation and with Dhairya and Sankalp we can fight this situation and we are able to emerge as victorious.

Any situation can be dealt with our Sankalp. If you have Guru meditate on Guru Mantra. Pray to your Guru to show you the path, pray to your guru that you want to meditate and follow him on the path of spirituality and your Guru will guide you. If you don’t have taken Diksha simply sit with your eyes closed and try to meditate on the Deity you are attached to and that shall be your first step.

Other than that some changes in our daily routine transforming our lives into spiritual lives can of be of great help. We have witnessed that in order to deal with this pandemic we are returning to our roots and going back to the teachings of our culture. The culture which modernity rejected as primitive is now coming to our rescue. Traditions like to sanitize ourselves after coming from outside and above all the tradition of ‘Namaskara’ are some examples.
Sun is the main source of all the forms of energy we have around us and it is one of the finest manifestation of all that belongs to the one truth of universal existence. Sun is the source of life on our planet and it is the source of ‘Prana’ in all the living organisms. You can take the ‘urja’ from Sun to make your body healthy and it may free you from dangerous diseases.

You can do 12 rounds of Surya Namaskara. Surya Namaskara keeps our body fit and energises it with our internal positive spiritual energy. Surya Namaskara is a well-known exercise and details related to it are easily available on the internet. The next thing we all should do is recite or chant Om for a few minutes as per our comfort. Om is the supreme cosmic sound and known as the first ‘Dhwani’ or ‘Naad’ of this universe. The importance of Om is well recognized in entire world. Through doing ‘Om Japa’ we can fill ourselves and our surroundings with utmost positive energy.

For meditation choose a clean place of your home where you can be aloof and sit on a mat in asana (Sukhasana), close your eyes and try to bring all your senses with your mind and focus on space between both the eyebrows (It is the place of Aagya Chakra which deals with intuition and your will power). Try to keep your calm and let it happen. It will eventually settle and you will start feeling that it is getting better in some time. You can take some steps like keep a lamp of Kapoor (Camphor) for some time. Kapoor adds oxygen in the environment and is very good for your internal health. 

We also should plant Tulsi in sufficient quantity. Tulsi purifies the air and keeps the Oxygen positively charged. It is also a very important herb in Ayurveda and has medicinal abilities to cure many diseases. All those who can should also imbibe the habit to do ‘Pranayama’. Pranayama increases and stabilizes your Pranic energy and with regular practice it can make wonders within yourself. You can feel the difference within yourself.

For Pranayama you can sit in either Padmasana, Sukhasana, Siddhasana or Vajrasana. If you can’t sit on floor you can always sit on the chair. The important thing you need to be careful about while doing Pranayama is to keep your backbone straight throughout. Then you can start with deep breathing and slowly should go and proceed with your own pace. Don’t hurry. Everyone has their own different abilities. Acknowledge yours and go with it. Misinformation while doing Pranayama can be very dangerous. Don’t rely much on Internet. Only if you are sure about the authenticity of source take instructions from there. The best way if you don’t know the Pranayama is to find a professional instructor and learn from him.
Along with all this you should focus on developing some good habits. Develop right eating habits, take fruits and herbs which boost our immunity. You must follow social distancing. Above everything keep a positive attitude and don’t panic.

I suggest that following two homemade solutions can be taken to boost our immunity-
·       Cinnamon, Ginger, Tulsi and Cardamom can be boiled together to form a good Kadha.
·       Cinnamon, Lemon, Turmeric and Ginger can be boiled as an alternative. You should take them when they are fresh and hot.

Please note that these are not cure for Covid19. They are simple home solutions to boost our immunity according to Ayurveda. May you all find peace.

Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina

Om Namo Narayan

Shraddha Mata.


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