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Showing posts from July, 2020

Mataji on the role of women in world peace

Women’s active involvement and engagement plays a vital role in keeping peace in the world. They can transcend the boundaries of nationality, religion, class and socio-economic background to influence peace-building process. Traditional practices carry more weight and has long term influence on people’s mind. Women’s involvement in peace-building is as old as their experience of violence. Women have played a variety of roles throughout history that support war and other forms of violence, from warrior to battlefield. However, their gender identities allow them to do some peace building that men cannot do. Communities that use all the talents, experience and wisdom of both men and women are more capable to address the needs of their members and the society. If women are excluded from participating in community decisions and leadership or are so busy with household responsibilities that they do not have time to go to community meetings, then the talents, experiences and wisdom

Mataji on Covid19 and the learnings therein related to our life style

Our planet earth or as we call her Mother Earth is still suffering from this deadly virus Covid19. The entire world is trying to find a cure but till now we haven’t succeeded in creating a vaccine for the same. Last month I discussed as to how this pandemic has demolished the structures of civilized world and how the fact that the modern economies have to stop their functions has resulted into the healing of our Environment and how we need to discuss and deliberate on the issue of environmental conservation in a better way.  Now again I am coming amidst you all in with some of the things we need to think about on our Individual level. Now that we are proceeding with Unlock nationwide, what all are the things that are to be kept in mind. This transition needs to be very smooth. Many have lost the source of livelihood, many business have suffered great losses, many people have lost their jobs, many students are suffering from depression and many families are suffering from inter